The process of purchase used in the electronic commerce of narjonia.com will be the detailed and established below for full information of the users:
Customer registration on narjonia.com
When a customer completes the minimum data required to make the purchase online, he will be given the option to register as a user for future purchases. By registering as a user, you authorize narjonia.com to use this information for future commercial purposes. In no case will narjonia.com provide this information to third parties.
As established in article five of Organic Law 15/1999, we let you know that the information with the data collected in the registrations will be part of the files of the company narjonia.com The purpose of these files will be to manage the orders of Purchase, as well as to be able to carry out any commercial activity on the part of narjonia.com.
Through the option in "registration", and within the section in "your account", the client is obliged to fill in all the data requested by narjonia.com, in order to be able to register and enjoy as a customer of their commercial services.
You must provide the necessary data for your identification, personal, shipping, payment, and accept the conditions of hiring and privacy. Once the information is provided you can make the purchases.
Customer Registration Confirmation
Having entered the data required for the identification of the client and accepted the conditions of hiring and privacy by it and the clauses, narjonia.com will proceed, after the review and possible verification of the data, to confirm the registration of the client, with the Sending an e-mail to the e-mail address used by the e-mail as identification key when requesting the registration.
Customer Identification
When the customer is registered in the electronic commerce of narjonia.com, in order to make use of its services you must enter your email address as well as password in the option "identification". You can change it whenever you see fit.
Choice of products by the customer
The sale begins with the selection of the items, which the customer has at his disposal in the pages of narjonia.com with all kinds of details necessary to make the purchase.
The products presented by narjonia.com, in the different sections of the website, are subject to possible changes in the products and without prior notice, in their characteristics and in their prices, but in any of the possible cases narjonia.com will maintain the conditions That occurred when the order was placed.
The presence of an article in our website, must be accompanied by the stock confirmation to be able to execute the purchase of the same. You will not be allowed to purchase any item that is not in stock. The detailed information on the articles displayed on our website can be modified, replaced or removed at any time by the company, nor is the company responsible for any inaccuracies, spelling errors or graphics that may contain any of the sections of our website. We appreciate the communication of possible errors in the product information.
The exposed images of the products do not have to always coincide with the actual article, since a change of packaging could have been made, but the composition and characteristics of the product will always be maintained. The company makes available to our customers the commercial department in order to solve any technical doubts about the products referenced in our website, so it is not responsible for future decisions that the customer or final consumer can take from the brief information we put At your entire disposal on our articles on the web.
Shopping cart
The customer will fill their shopping cart with articles as selected with the icon that is included next to the detail of the product and its price on the page that collects all the articles of the different products exposed. Being able to pay full attention to the information of the articles.
Realization of Orders
Once the items have been selected and the purchases have been made, the customer will have to select the option to confirm his order after having been able to review the selected articles ..
The web of narjonia.com uses the paypal payment gateway, so you must assume the conditions of use of this website. Paypal is a standard on all internet purchases and accepts various forms of payment on purchases, credit cards and transfers. Providing a secure environment in which to execute our economic transactions is as simple as reliable.
Shipping and Order Confirmation
Confirmed the order, we will generate an email with the data of your order to the address of the customer, with which you can check the status of the order on the web. With this information you can directly follow the transport website about the status of the shipment. The custOmer will receive an e-mail to validate his purchase. This document will be considered a contract for the purposes of what is established in article 23 of Law 34/2002, the parties hereby accept that the contract is concluded at the registered office of the company. The documentation that generates the process will be guarded by the company during the established legal term, and will be accessible to the consumer upon an accredited request, in writing to the registered office of the company. We are here to serve you.